
By Splashie

South Island Pied Oystercatcher

We have 3 Pied Oystercatchers on the beach at the moment - an unusual number since usually they are in pairs. However in the spring I found one dead on the beach, it's bill enclosed in a rubber tailing band from a lambs tail, so the poor thing starved to death. Endemic to New Zealand their status is Át Risk' although they number over 100,000  compared to the Variables who only number 5000.  Very active on the beach, they make loud kleep, kleep sounds and can be quite active dive bombers ! Although generally they breed on the braided river beds of the South Island we have in the past been lucky enough to have them nest on the beach......time yet this season though do't know how a threesome will get on !  Maori name Torea is a generic name for all our Oystercatchers and has no obvious translation

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