wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


Forgive the blurry please......this is Kate and I. This was her first concert. Behind us are Larissa and Becca. It was Becca's first concert too. This is the coolest part of Women in Harmony. Meeting new people and making new friends.
We wore all black with red accents. We were given a long piece of red fabric like a scarf. We could wear them anyway we wanted.
I had stepped out in front to hear a sound level and when I turned around to look at the chorus, it took my breath away. The effect of the black and red was stunning. The red was for heart disease.
Dwyer was a woman who spoke about her heart disease she had CHF congestive heart failure as the result of ideopathic cardiomyopathy. She described it as basically her heart muscle was dying for an unknown reason. She spoke of women's symptoms of a heart attack. They can be different from a man's.
Women can experience pain between the shoulder blades, she enperienced extreme fatigue. Some women feel an indigestion type of pain.
I can't do links from my iPad. Please google american heart association and be familiar with the symptoms.
As for women, please don't let them tell you it's indigestion. Some of these women are young. It has no age requirement. Please don't let them tell you that your extreme fatigue is the result of doing too much. Insist on an EKG.. Save your life. Tell other women to watch for these symptoms. Save theirs. Be a hero.
Wear red.
My mom would have liked this concert. She died of heart disease. I wish I had been more diligent with her extreme fatigue.
Time to sign off. Soon the sun will rise here and evening arrives DownUnder...have a great day/evening

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