Blackbird takeoff with Snowflakes

Heh, some snowflake photo, what do you think???

Today there was a beautiful visitor in our yard: a Blackbird gentleman came to eat, he specially seemed to like sunflower seeds - and if I saw it right, he did not peal them, only swallowed (can it be true???)!

Two more shots here, you can see him (The Blackbird) standing on a snowy birdfeeder and a Great tit waiting his turn.

It has been snowing all day long with temperature -1c. It has been cloudy but lovely weather really! We made some 5km walk with my hubby - I think he really should move more - and I had potatoe stew with chicken fillets in blackpepper and cream preparing in the oven during the time. (We have so new oven, that I dear to leave it on, but of course it would be safer to stay indoors when oven is on...)

Easy sunday. But I could use more time off at the moment... Double weekend, maybe?!


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