
Day 4 of the photo course to look at things differently and today's theme is repetition. But today is of course also Robert Burns' birthday , so I couldn't miss adding one image which took the theme just a little bit differently. The repetition of one line in a well-known song/poem:
Green grow the rashes, O
Green grow the rashes, O ...

In other news we now know what was the source of the flooding, an overflowing well in the cellar, but we're not sure of the what and how. For now, bailing out a couple of buckets of water from there every 4 hours is keeping it in control. I need to get a plumber  tomorrow!

Thanks very much for your comments, stars and two faves on yesterday's Oscar and its reflection. Singapore has a Universal Studios theme park, that's where this one came from. The label says 'Best Boss' :-)

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