Looking Forward...

By Fiono

"Gie her a haggis."

A happy Burns Night to you all. I cooked up one of my favourite meals for my German roommates on this birthday of Robert Burns. They seemed to enjoy the haggis! 

Turnips were difficult to find. They're much smaller and known as Rüben, but they still made very nice neeps to go with the haggis and tatties.

I said the Selkirk Grace twice before we ate. Once in Scots and then again in English so they could understand!

"Some hae meat and canna eat, 
   And some wad eat that want it; 
But we hae meat, and we can eat, 
   Sae let the Lord be thankit."

It's a bit strange to not be at a ceilidh this year. Last year my ceilidh band had four "Burns Night" gigs in one week which was great fun.

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