A Portrait

I missed a number of blip opportunities today:
* having gone to the tip to get rid of some of M&D's non recyclable stuff, I drove to the nearby Smith Kline Glaxo works, now the town's largest employer and an astonishing complex. I was stopped by security people - no photos allowed
* I have never seen Red Kite's drifting over the town, and yet three times one glided over M&D's road whilst I was there - without a camera to hand
*On the way home, and past Barton-le-Cley as the dusk descended, thousands of rooks and jackdaws in the sky over and around a wood a little way across the field from the road. But it was narrow, I had traffic behind, and nowhere to stop

And so - a portrait. I avoid putting portraits onto blip, but hopefully she will not mind. I showed her how my camera works and got her to take a couple of me - they've come out really well, I will have to print them off for her.

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