Better and Better?

Man, with all of the updates (and the fact that I hace nothing good to post), I haven't posted in a while! But, my "Blipfoto Block" (like writer's block) has come to an end, and I have a great picture to start this off again! I got some more inspiration again and drew this, but I managed to add more detail into the picture than I usually do, and although it's not finished, I already feel like it's going to look more realistic than anything I've ever drawn! I know I say this a lot, but I truly think I'm improving A LOT. I actually feel like I have a shot at getting into an art college (well, if this acting thing doesn't work out!)! It's funny, but not only is this picture more realistic and detailed, it's also about my fifteenth or sixteenth character, and I'm kinda proud of myself for being able to come up with so many without really trying.  Who knows, maybe I can write some books or make some comics with them all? You never know!

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