Wish I could wear this

hat when riding in the winter. I finally gave into pressure from Diana yesterday and wore a cycle helmet when I went out for a ride. The last bit of that sentence is of course a little redundant. If I wore it for anything else, like a walk to the shops, or whilst cooking the dinner, I would look an even bigger prat than I do wearing it whist riding the bike.

Serious design flaw in cycling helmets. They are full of holes, which presents issues all year round for baldies like me. In the summer I end up with zebra stripes tanned into my head and in the winter, I get brain freeze as the cold wind is channeled to run in several little streams across the top of my head. It's a no win situation, unless I fall off of course, in which case, it may just repay all the suffering.

Oh, and I must have a word with Mick. He was very good and wore his helmet (no sniggering in the back please LG and D), BUT he doesn't do his chin strap up. If he were ever to fall off, he would go one way, his helmet the other, and his brains possibly in a different direction altogether.

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