The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Gremlins

The 'nighttime feeds' are now less favourably known as the 'nighttime settling'. I'm living by Gremlin rules: NO FOOD AFTER MIDNIGHT! It's been one whole week and mummy has not backed down once. I still keep waking up though...just incase...

We went to bookbug this morning where I managed to get my hands on a bookbug teddy. I showered him in slevers then handed him back to the lady. Afterwards, instead of going through the drive thru at Costa, we went inside and sat at a table. The staff didn't recognise us with legs.

My new childminder came to visit us this afternoon. She's asked to spend some time with me and mummy soon to see how we operate. I wonder if she likes tea and cake...

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