Brotherly Love

I'm glad Hector and Ziggy have each other to look after. They get on really well (most of the time). Hector is the darker/larger boy on the left, and Ziggy is on the right. We call Ziggy "Princess" but don't tell him. They like cuddling up like this in the window to have a nose at what's going on outside.
A few minutes before I took this photo (at about 7:30am) we had a power cut for a few moments. C found out later (from an angler) that it was because several geese had flown into the powerlines the other side of the wood next to us. The geese were lying dead in the field, when he was over there, and another was on the river but looking very worse for wear and rather dazed. 
I imagine this must happen fairly frequently with all sorts of birds. Roast goose anyone?

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