An Apple a Day

A trip through to Edinburgh today for my appointment with a Genius at the Apple store.  It took nine hours out of my day and ten minutes to fix the problem:-)  A revealing moment came when the Genius said that this problem often arose when the iPad was attached to an older computer.  My laptop is not even five years old!!  Obviously, pretty ancient in today's terms!

A dull damp day in Edinburgh, brightened by a visit to the National Gallery to see the Vaughan Collection of Turner Watercolours, which are only ever displayed in January to protect them from the light.  Rather odd, as they are in a room with no windows!

The Cyber Security MOOC is frying my brain and I'm not sure I'll survive the eight weeks of the course.  I am now totally paranoid about cyber threats and feel the urge to change every password I've ever created:-)

I'll try to catch up with comments as soon as I can, but it's a busy week, so please forgive me if I take a while:-)

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