
By Marlytyz

We must never forget!.

I know this is a day late but I wanted to include this image taken during a visit to Auschwitz, last year to commemorate  Holocaust Memorial Day.  

The guide related an interesting story told by a visitor who had been on the tour earlier that week.  This visitor had been a prisoner in Auschwitz,  He described how the Red Cross would visit occasionally and he and another prisoner would be made to swim up and down in the pool shown to suggest that the prisoners were treated so well they even had access to sporting facilities.  Of course, this was the only time he and all the other prisoners were shown anything but sheer brutality.

I have to say I found this experience exceptionally distressing. Although, of course, I had read and seen numerous programmes about the Holocaust, actually experiencing it in this way somehow highlighted very clearly the evil that prejudice and bigotry can result in.  
I am only sorry that the world has not learned lessons from this genocide. The fact that people have been, and are still being persecuted throughout the world for being "different" is unforgivable.  

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