
By erinmaureen

Reunited with DanSmith!

After recovering from last nights festivities (recovering included me, drea and nugget taking meg, liz and emily to what's for zebras and buckets) Me, Emily, Lemon and Meg got on the road to go visit our favorite gingerfriend.

After sitting in traffic for what felt like an eternity due to emily's nav hating us we finally were reunited with our daniel after not having seen him in over a month. He missed us terribly.

He took us to a Buddhist Monastery which was quite interesting and very beautiful. Lemon made noise in all the wrong places, but who's surprised?

This is a picture of us in the back seat of Emily's convertible driving about. I'm obviously partying while Meg is being whipped by Liz's ginger mane which was free flowing in the wind.

Afterwards we got some gelato and Daniel actually ate. It was an amazing experience. He and Liz sat at a table by themselves on some sort of ginger date. very cute.

Daniel's mommy made us delicious food for dinner and then we sat around watching tv until Dan's cat made me want to scratch my eyes out and we had to leave.

It was the perfect ending to an amazing birthday weekend :)

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