Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Snowing in Surrey

The entire event started and finished in less than half an hour.  

A sudden din made us look outside to see massive hail stones falling, covering every surface in minutes, followed by lovely fluffy flakes.  Thunder and lightning sent the dogs outside on a storm chase and me for the camera. I don't often use flash but, taken by surprise, there was no other way to get this scene. Maera is sitting at the fence line, covered in snow, waiting excitedly for more thunder claps that never came. 

All very exciting but, as quickly as it started, it was over and I doubt we'll get any more for the time being.  I just hope they send the gritters out tonight as, despite the forecast for last night, I scraped ice off the car and there was a dangerous icy patch on the road coming home this morning. 

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