
By Angelique


The weather today has been a mixture of sleet, snow, rain and sunshine, all accompanied by a very cold strong wind.  This is a capture of a close up of the heavy rain on my car windscreen as I sat in the car park of the local Doctor's Surgery/ chemist.

Poor Phoebe took one look at the weather this morning and decided she wasn't going out.  Cant blame her, I wouldn't have gone to work from choice.  Have done all I can in Sir's absence and now wont be in again until Tuesday.  As Matthew is coming home on Saturday ( a day later as we wont be back from Hampshire until later), he is staying over until Tuesday morning.  It will be good just the two of us on Monday and hoping to give him some quality time.

I'm sure like most of you I'm longing for the Spring and better weather.
I don't do very well in the winter mainly because my aching joints are far worse when I'm cold.  We are having a Mediterranean cruise this year at the end of May.  Something we have never achieved before due to the boys so I'm really looking forward to it and of course wearing 'posh' clothes.

Nearly the weekend - yippee and looking forward to seeing my sister (Redflash) tomorrow.  In the evening we have been invited out to dinner so wont have to cook!.  Yummy.

Thankyou for the kind comments on my bird of prey (buzzard or merlin?).  Sending hugs xxxx 

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