
By Angelique


I often wonder what Phoebe is thinking. Poor love hasn't had a walk since Sunday as I've been too ill to venture outside.

She certainly looks pretty fed up doesn't she.

I rang Sir this morning after dressing for work but I dont think he wants my germs as he told me to stay at home. I will try and go in tomorrow though, even if I cant answer the telephone. I need to catch up as I know he's going off skiing next week.

Its been a day of frustrations but the one good thing was that the staff of Longrun where Adrian lives, have managed to slightly sedate him in order for blood to be removed. At last, action is being taken. They think he may be low in Sodium!

We will wait and see. I'm wondering if he has inherited the Thyroid problem that I and my sister have.

Otherwise a boring Wednesday. Because I staggered round Tesco to get the food shopping done, feel whacked out now. Frightened the staff by having a dizzy phase at the tills but they were very quick to act.

I hope you've all survived the day intact. NO RAIN today - hope you've had the same. Snow is coming, get the shovels ready, salt etc.

We usually get snow in February, especially for my birthday!

Thank you for all your well wishes and nice comments on Matty's orchid. Sending hugs~~~~

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