Beaten the system

Well it's taken me over a week, but I've added over 200 backblips.


Because the 25th should have been my blipday.

However in year one, I posted two entries before I had started - but after I'd registered. So it went back to 23rd Jan.

Then this year, when I got to that..... nothing!!

Apparently backblips posted before your registration date count now.

So come year 2 blipday, and I find out I was on 800 and something!

So, I've used the system to my advantage, and backblipped a shed load of photo's - in order to re-set the clock (I hope).

So 25th Jan is now my birthday, and my blipday.

Thank you for all the comments over the last 2 years; and if you have the time why not have a look at some of the pre 2013 photo's (if you have the time).

Sorry that I've been really really bad at commenting on others blips... but hopefully that will improve soon.

BTW about the blip.

This is the boys favourite see-saw in the park. C rocks it so hard, whilst JJ holds on for dear life; the pair of them grinning like maniacs, laughing like lunatics.

Lovely boys.

Sunday morning was a little hungover; but not to bad.

41 isn't that much different from 40.

Thanks everyone.

I have the next 3 or 4 days ready to go. But that will wait for another day.

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