CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Reaching for the sun

A bright, sunny day with a blue sky.

You will be pleased to know that I did get my medication yesterday after a six hour wait. We left around 4.00pm with the words of the Staff Nurse - 'Count yourself lucky - yesterday people were not getting away until 7.00pm'. It seems that the Pharmacy is not big enough to cope with the demands placed upon it.

Unfortunately, the pain is still considerable and probably won't subside completely until I get the stitches out in a weeks time.

Today really was bright and I had just about enough energy to go outside the front door and take this photo of a single osteospermum reaching up to the sun.

I would like to thank everyone for their kind comments over the past couple of days. I really am not up to sitting at the computer and answer everyone individually at the moment - maybe in a day or two.

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