
By tookie

Greetings and Thanks For Herons

This one is for blipper Connections and the lovely accordian poster she sent to me that expresses greetings and thanks to the Natural world---its a daily thanksgiving inspired by the Onondaga Nation, Haudenosaunee.  It has a collection of thanks and greetings designed by artist Karen Kerney and unfolds unveiling a series of sayings giving thanks. I put the one saying "To all Birds, large and small joyful greetings and thanks" in the lower left of this heron image.  It's a lovely gift and hangs now on the wall next to our mantel.   Thanks sweet woman!

Today began foggy as pea soup, but cleared up to be a splendid day.  I did my first walk and return to the dog park where I had the bad accident a few weeks ago getting "taken out" there and incurring the knee ligament and soft tissue damages.  All went well and I enjoyed "shooting" Heron photographs!  Happy weekend to all!

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