Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren


It's taken a month but the Goldfinch are back.  When, roughly four years ago, I first started putting niger seeds out, I thought I'd never see one and it took the best part of six months to get the first couple in.  Feeding really did them good and now there is a little flock of about 20 birds that fly around.  I'm glad they've now found their feeder again.

I stopped feeding to avoid spreading a bird virus which is easily passed from bird to bird on the feeders.  I've seen a couple of Chaffinches around but they were severely affected and their numbers plummeted as have the House Sparrows but, the abandoned farm cats could have had a greater part in their demise.  

There were a few sickly Great and Blue Tits but, the virus hasn't hurt their numbers, which have rocketed. Now that they've found the food, I've given up trying to count the numbers that descend on the feeders.  

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