
Today was a bit of a lost day. In the afternoon I lit a fire in the stove, which kept my better half warm - the living room wasn't so warm so having the fire made a big difference.

Once it was starting to warm up, I moved an ancient Compaq deskpro into the living room and hooked it up to my amp. It can now act as a media player, allowing for more music choice than a single CD player alone. The sound quality is never going to be as good as my Rotel CD player, but it's a lot more convenient... and good for entertaining when you want to select a long play list.

I never liked Compaqs, they were always proprietary and had evil hacks in them to make they hard to service, but I sort of miss them now that they were swallowed up into HP. This one is an ancient Pentium III at only 733 MHz and some horrible Intel graphics chip - has Linux support but with lots of bugs and limitations. On the plus side it's pretty silent and my recycling of it it has prevented some IT kit from ending up in landfill or worse in Africa.

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