Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery

This was the sky as I left work this morning.

My last shift as a student on the postnatal ward. Sad and exciting both. I cared for a woman who's birth had not gone to plan and had become quite complex, even though separated from her baby she was amazingly positive and keen to focus on the good bits. An encounter that reaffirmed my certainty that midwifery is for me.
Home for a few hours of kip, then up up and out for a glorious walk to the shops in blazing sun. It was bitterly cold but brilliant. I made an impulse purchase of two beautiful plates that were in the sale. Not to be regretted.
Home for an afternoon with Anne. Tea, a bakewell slice and the papers followed by roast chicken.
A bath with my lux Christmas bath oil and now for a glass of red and a film. A fine Sunday indeed. We should all be so lucky.

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