Kaytee ^_^

By kaytee


Oscar is famous in our neighbourhood for being that nosey dog who barks at everything. Although unlike his masculine descendents , he feels more comfortable being behind a window and barking at something rather than being outside and barking at something - he realistically feels comfortable and safe behind a glass wall. His failure to be any sort of alpha male is also shown due to his teddy bear looks and luscious ringlets of hair - sorry Oscar, but you'll never be a masculine dog.

So it's my second day of not knowing what to do with my free time. I sat out in the garden for an hour or so, soaking up more sun and to my delight i appear to be a nice rouge colour tonight. I hope it's not the light in my room deceiving me...
So essentially, the summer allows me to spend more time with my wee baby - Oscar. It takes a whole family to look after this one, and 4 different brushes to groom him. There are particular mannorisms he has adapted which i can understand and act upon. For instance, when he walks into my bathroom it means he wishes for me (his butler) to provide him with water out the bath, because apparently walking downstairs to his dog bowl requires too much effort. Another is when he wants his belly rubbed; he'll sit nicely, shaking his body with excitement then lie on his back like a dead fly and put his tounge out. And what does he give me? My own chewed up toys, a path of chewed up paper from my room into the hallway, my underwear sprawled across the floor and a rope burn on my hand when we're out on walks.

Thanks, Oscar.

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