Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

A little time with my minion..

Aj and I had a relaxed (as relaxed as can be with an independent 3 year old) mooch around Hinckley today, whilst we waited for a shops delivery to arrive. A Tuesday treat of a baby choc-cino and latte was definitely called for.

Today has felt like the calm before the storm.

It is our family tradition that when someone we love or care for has died, we send them a balloon. Tomorrow, four balloons will fly high.

Tomorrow is the funeral a loved husband, step-dad, Grandad, father-in-law and mentor. We say our final goodbyes to Grandad Rick.

Aj and I bought the balloons today, in preparation for tomorrow. Ordinarily, we buy one balloon for the four of them, but this time, they have a balloon each. DM's balloon will stay with her Grandad's coffin until it's final resting place.

Rest in peace Rick xxxx

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