SPhotography-One Year V2

By SummersPhoto

Charity Fair

Today I ran my first stand as Stephanie Summers Photography. It was at St Anne's Manor, the Hilton in Wokingham.

They run a charity event every year for their foundation and another charity - they choose our church Kerith as the charity partner.

There was about 18 business's there ranging from cupcakes, cards and jewellery.

It was a really good day where I had lots of enquiries for weddings, portraits and my photography holiday courses! Really thrived from being in that environment and chatting to people all day about my business - super!

Tonight there was a live band at church, long story short, the lead singer was told at 16 that he had an aggressive form of facial cancer and prognosis wasn't good if he lived. He was given all these medical facts, yet here he is today, 12 years later, married, a son and has beaten all the odds that he was given years ago. Their name is Moment Music and jeez - it was like being at a rock concert in church. Sooo cool, very moving and oh so powerful!

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