investigations of a dag

By kasty

further evidence

... that a miraculous great orb has appeared in the sky lending heat, colour and light to all around. The public have fainted en masse upon the grass to stare up in disbelief. Wish I could join them... pffff.

Thanks for the comments yesterday. I'm just a bit busy (like we all are) and need some planning time, proper planning time, with paper and sticky notes and crayons to get all the worrying tizz out of my head and onto some kind of tick list to get me through the next few months. Something like a serial killer's lair, or a cop on a mission. String and photographs might feature..

Was going to get started this evening, but got side tracked watching Fassbinder film Fear eats the soul and a wee specials doc about his life. Wild, fearless and slightly mad stuff.

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