The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Twelve Thousand Miles

In the last 10 months we have clocked up over 12000 miles on the car. Half of those miles have been spent driving aimlessly to nowhere in particular. The other half spent driving to and through drive thru's. The wear and tear is particularly noticeable in and around my car seat where the remnants of the rice cakes mummy tosses to me on our journeys have been ground into the upholstery.

So every now and again we like to give the car a day off to recover and we take to our feet. This morning we walked to visit my new best friend. He's tiny just now but one day I'll be able to wrestle with him. In the afternoon we met our other friends and walked to a cafe to refuel.

Tonight while I was in the bath the following conversation took place:
Mummy: Eli, can you say mummy?
Me: dada
Mummy: mummy
Me: dada
Mummy: Eli, say MUMMY
Me: dada

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