Texann Times

By Texann


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The Runnymede Hotel’s logo is a yellow rubber duck (something to do with being next to the river) and they have a whole collection of them on display.  I felt that a combination of these two would be appropriate on the day we were due to fly from London to Houston.  

One of our friends, J, kindly drove us to the airport just after breakfast.  We got there nice and early, checked in, through security and onto the plane.  My first time on a Dreamliner!  I was just enjoying playing with the dimmer switch on the windows (instead of a shade, very whizzy!) when they announced that they had a problem with the plane’s computer.  We then sat on the plane for five hours.  By this time the window dimmer switch had lost its novelty value, and we had only been given one bag of crisps/chips!  They even tried rebooting the plane – at least the cabin light display was quite interesting when it all started up again.  Eventually, they took us all off, booked us onto a flight the next morning, put us up in a rather sad and tired airport hotel and gave us a free buffet of what seemed to be solely white, soggy food (if this is all Americans eat when they’re in the UK, I can see why they seem to think our food is so bad!). 

Early to bed in anticipation of a very early start and trying again. 

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