
By Memories4Me

Rudy - Early Morning Light

Dear Diary,

Rudy looks a bit grumpy as he sits contemplating all the snow in the backyard.  Maybe he is miffed that Gaylord gets all the press!  So I thought I would showcase Rudy today. 

He is a very cheeky little guy and very vocal!  He will let me know in no uncertain terms if the seed bowl is empty or if Blue Boy is trying to get his share.  He has made a series of at least 8 "bolt holes" to aid in a quick escape.  You can see him disappearing down one of them here.
That view really shows off his bright red coloring.

He is a bit of a rascal but I adore his little face.  He'll have to do a little excavating after today's snow stops but he'll be fast at work at it as soon as it is light.

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