Through My Eyes!

By kevreid

Little N Large

I'd just looked out my window as the sun was going down and the colours were really vivid tonight, so picking up the crystal balls i headed to the beach to see if i could capture the colours, as focusing at F4 would have proved difficult on both the balls at the same time, I chose F11 and handheld the camera with 1/60 exposure, the result was fairly good so to enhance the colours ever so slightly i used a light orange graduated filter that i enured only covered the top third of the photo, so that i could catch some of the cold tones in the rock that i'd set the balls up on.
all i had to do post photo was rotate it 180 degrees inside an editing program.
I actualy tried various setups with the bits of crystal but this was my favourite view.
The plan was to set it up with one in front of the other so that the first inverted the scene, then the second one inverted the first back to the correct way up, but alas my grasp of physics and specifically refraction failed as all i seemed to get was a view of the big crystal ball inside the small, but without the scenic view ! so back to the drawing board on that one!
This was taken from the rock i'd been using the steel wool on last night, it's a fab location for photography, so don't be surprised if you see many more views from here. I'm truly blessed to have such a nice view almost on my doorstep.

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