Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Planting, again. :)

This time I'm trying with orange seeds, two of them, in this little homemade greenhouse.
The greenhouse is the bottom of the Orangina bottle I bought on the 19'th of may, and blipped about. I thought this little pot was great for the little, what I hope, seedlings and perhaps the Orangina bottle to. :)

I don't know how much I shall tell you, but my situation isn't the best right now, as some of you surely already have figured out. I'm on sick leave for 75% and am 'hunting' for work or a practice for the remaining 25%. I was really lucky to get practice at one of the city offices, in the city were I live, for a couple of months. It was great fun and I really enjoyed myself greatly! And, the best thing was that my brain still works! I was able to solve problems and do things I've never done before and the analytical part of my brain worked better then I thought were possible. :) Unfortunately I couldn't stay there because there was no future for me there, they had no possibility to hire someone new at that time. I got a great testimonial from my supervisor at the office, though, that will help me in the future. Is testimonial the right word? A written paper about how they think I have been doing at work, my strengths and personality? Or is there another word for this?
Tomorrow I'm meeting a job coach and hopefully I can get some help from her. Keep your fingers crossed for me, please. :)

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