wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


While sitting outside, enjoying a little bit of warmish evening, eating fish and chips, admiring our tomato and strawberry plants, Alex and I were talking about houses. It's inevitable that our house will break up at some point, as the three of us find jobs and life and things in other places. And our current rental has ruined us for rental properties forever - without going to the millionaires pages of property sites it seem doubtful that any of us will ever find a nicer rental.

But having a nice house now doesn't mean I don't think about the house I'd like to have someday. Sometimes I dream about building a lovely place, with big French doors opening onto a large garden with delicious things growing. And other days it'll be the appeal of the Country House Rescue experience that calls - a beautiful old house that needs love and care to shine out its former glory.

It's likely that some day I will stop being a student, and I'll earn some kind of actual money. When those days come who knows what house I'll be dreaming of. Just as long as it's home, I look forward to it.

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