Skinny cat

It was a lovely sunny day, and I was off, but no pictures of views or gardens or flowers.  

C and I had coffee with K.  There is still a vestige of snow on the Pentlands, maybe I should have blipped that.  K was diagnosed with cancer, in her bones and breast.  She is being treated and is very, very positive and has gone back to doing some work, to stop her going stir crazy.  Her tales of WGH were a bit scary but she has a bit of power in that regard and was able to complain to the right people, probably more effectively than you or I.  She still has a lot of tests and treatment to go and as she said she can't be cured, only treated.  I hope it goes well.

After lunch it was off on the bus to collect photos, the ones taken in January.  We should have made a list of who they were all for and I was sure I ordered one of me!

Home and then out with Molly for her annual check up and her boosters.  She had a full going over, examination, heart and even her BP taken (normal) and weighed.  3 years ago she was over 6 kgs, now she is 4.5.  Well done, Molly.  I wish I found it as easy to lose such a large percentage of body mass.

We dropped the photos off at the Manor but no-one was home.

This evening, not the rugby, that's for sure.

So no flowers, just a skinnier cat.

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