
Not the cat!
This morning, we decided to take our dogs to Aden Park for a walk.
"Why not take Skippy?" we thought.
We collected him and down to the park. I stopped the car and opened my door. Skippy, who was in the very back, jumped over two seats and out the door before I could grab him. He was off like lightning.
We chased after him and shouted but he never looked back.
Fortunately, I know the park and after too long a time, I managed to corner him.
We had quite a pleasant walk after that, all the dogs on leads.
I went up to see Fred in hospital this afternoon. Thank goodness I didn't have to tell him I had lost his dog!
Tonight we're off to a meal with friends.
I'm driving.
And the cat?
He was just hiding under a car and he was too beautiful to miss.

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