RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Market Scale #8

It has been some time since my last market scale entry, in fact almost a year has passed. I have been shooting them as always, but nothing has compared to my last entry - that is until today. Shopping with friends for fish at the Campansino market when I noticed the light reflecting off the weigh pan of this scale. When the vendor calculating the cost of some fresh Mahi Mahi moved close to show the price and the light suddenly illuminated her face, I quickly squeezed off the shot. Not as good as if there had been fish on the scale, but I still quite liked the composition and thought it a worthy entry into the series.

I finally can come up for air after editing most of the shots from South of the Border Volleyball - what a process. This morning I was able to respond to the many kind comments and once again view the journals of others. I am once again a connected member of the blip community!

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