Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Look honey, I brought you a stick!

I took a stroll around the grounds of the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary today (a rehab center for birds) and was amazed at the number of wild birds who are currently nesting all around the grounds there.  I counted at least 20 pairs of black-crowned night herons - some brooding eggs, some with tiny chicks and some with nearly full-grown chicks ...and then this pair who seems a bit late to get started.  The male was presenting his stick to his bride, who seemed not at all impressed.  When I left, he was still sitting next to her with his stick, looking a bit dejected.  

Black crowned night herons are small, squat herons who typically nest in colonies (which is what they are doing at this location) and are usually monogamous for the breeding season.  Both parents will take turns brooding the eggs and both care for the nestlings.  Speaking of nestlings, I did manage to get a halfway decent shot of two of them in a nest that was fairly low in one of the trees.  I posted it, along with five other shots starting HERE on Flickr.

Other wild birds currently nesting on the Sanctuary grounds include brown pelicans, snowy and great egrets, and great blue herons.  I'll be returning often to check on the status of the nests!

Hubs did 45 miles on his bike today in just under 3 hours - my very own Iron Man.  Now he is planted on the sofa, having assumed the napping position.

As for me...well, I may take a book out to the balcony upstairs and just read for awhile.  It is a glorious, sunny day with temps in the low 70's F...really lovely.  

Thanks so very much for all the comments, stars, and faves on my gawky looking Great Blue Heron kid yesterday.  It is so exciting for me to see things like that - so I appreciate you sharing the excitement with me.  

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