
Another gorgeous bright, cold, crisp, clear day. My computer has been playing up though and needed a complete overhaul which has taken all day - my hard drive is now thoroughly configurated but I've been left with a wobbly throbber - no way you can say that without coming over all Benny Hill. 
In between all that I've been wrestling with pension forms - yes, it's come to that. Can I remember where and when I was  and how long I stayed way back when?? Information has been pencilled in and certificates found so I shall have a close peruse before sending it off tomorrow.
I've also cleared a wall, one that has only come to light after the trees fell in last year's storms. I have been hacking (yet More) brambles to get to it, and then ripped off layers of ivy. It's rather nice. I was accompanied by a flurry of robins.
Whilst the computer was still doing its thing, we went down to catch the sunset at Farrananamagh. It was very cold but a good one, extra atmopshere being added by smoke from gorse fires. It's that time of year. The morning  looked very different.

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