chemistry experiments

As recent car-outings have required Amos to have his feet sticking up along the back of the seat he has been awarded his brother's old forward-facing seat-with-table whilst Edgar has been upgraded to a slightly newer version of the same thing. One of two parcels actually delivered by Parcelforce on Friday (rather than just dumped at Constitution St without trying), this one contained, as child-products will, two massive sachets of silica gel in addition to the vast and very strong polythene bag, which is probably far stronger than the weak and already a taped-up box, though less suitable for playing with. It's probably time to allow the box the old bike frame came in to be used for childrenning, now that there will be no need for it to contain the frame again at any point. I had been vaguely hoping to get the replacement built up this evening, particularly after a successful emergency scrobble through some boxes of bits to find my spare downtube cable stops, but vomiting wingpiglets come first.

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