Two Black Dogs

It's been raining hard off and on all day. We donned our raincoats, located our umbrellas and took Ozzie and Olive down to the creek this morning. It rained enough to create a pool deep enough for Ozzie to swim in, so Owen stood on the bank and threw sticks in for him. Ozzie would retrieve the stick, Olive would wait for him close to water's edge and take it from him and Owen would pitch out another one.. This seemed to work well for all concerned…a  wimpy swimming dog who could use the exercise,  a domineering non-swimming dog who dioesn't and a boy who loves to throw sticks. Worked well for me too because Ozzie apparently thinks I throw like a girl and won't retrieve anything tossed by my hand. 

We all trooped back up the street, soaking wet, loaded up the laundry room with dripping outerwear and towels and had another cup of coffee. 

Blake arrived at the doggy day care center just after Tim left with Owen and Olive. I think Ozzie was actually rather happy to see him. It's a challenge to photograph black dogs. They often look like featureless black blobs, but they chose a well lighted place with a light background to curl up for a nap.

My fitbit watch arrived, and I've spent half the day synching it with my computer, with considerable coaching from Jim, and trying to figure out what the heck a "dongle" is. All is in readiness now for it to run my life, but unless it stops raining, or I walk up and down the hall 4,000 times, my step count may not rise much above 2,500. today. OilMan has already figured out that I can increase my  count by waving my arm around….

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