I've seen the future ...

and it ends in certain death.

As part of my Old Luton series, I have joined a number of Facebook groups dedicated to sharing pictures and memories of Luton from days gone by. This had led to me connecting with a number of old school friends, one of whom posted two class pictures from 1970. Two comments to make about that:

~ I barely recognized anyone and could name even fewer. In fairness, it was my year but not my class, so I'm somewhat excused but Steve could name everyone. Does he have the memory of an elephant or is my memory deficient? I suspect the latter

~ In one class, he listed 4 people as deceased. That really knocked me back. 4 people in a class of 32;  1 in 8 gone.

So people, if there's something that you have been meaning to do but have been putting it off or if you have a dream but are frightened of chasing it, keep that little statistic in mind - this is your one chance. take it or lose it.

I have no explanation for this picture. I started out with a fairly decent self portrait whilst playing with my new camera and then did this to it. As I said to dwalletta, I should have spent my money on an i mac rather than a camera as most of my images are created on the computer rather than in the camera.

Intimate meal for 2 tonight - just me and Tim. Did invite his ladyfriend, but once again, an excuse was forthcoming. 

Ordered a new saddle for the bike. Hopefully next Sunday's ride will not be as uncomfortable as yesterdays.

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