The Oaktree in a New Light

What a fine - grey drizzly day... A day which started with impatient insecurity: how could I contact a local contractor for advice in tackling the blocked sewer pipe here. Impossible, as it turned out during the whole day. Whats next? A call to the town hall to ask for historic building blue prints of our home. After a while: indeed they had such designs in the archive. But without indication of the outside sewersystem.

And then the big surprise: A serviceman of the municipal sewer-company. He had recieved a call from town hall about what I was looking for. And so he brought a copy of the official map, which registered the exact location of connection of private to public drain. And he learned us a lot. He gave us so much of all this practical knowhow you need once you are confronted with this kind of problem. This was about awareness of the huge costs you would make, once you feel urged to surrender to contractors.

And very important, this very sympathetic and helpfull man - born in our region, did what we needed, but could never have done on own inititiative. He poured a pigmented solution in the closet and then we waited somewhere down the street to see if a yellow-green stream would become visible in the main sewer. It took some time but, yes, finally, we can say that if we use only water it will pass down. For the time being. And that means a lot. Time,for reflexion, time to consult, time to explore and time not to spend money before we have tried out and investigated our own plan of action.

So, as you will understand, we feel to have regained our own direction and playroom
This is a blessing we owe to some very attentive administrative workers or servants here.
By making connections we could not have thought of, they did change our outlook. Now, as we look through the branches of our Oaktree, we know that there are more guardians around us, saving our future here.

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