
By Ogatodomar


So I went down town to post a couple of packages, then on to the Delhaize to top up the larder & when I got home I booted up the computer as one does & I'd hardly had time to open CorelDraw when there was a distinct "Phut"!

Oh ph***... - computer went blank & all the lights went out -  nearly!! It was as though they were on 1/8th power giving out this dark orange glow.
As though...
I'd stepped into some horror film :o#
No fridge-freezer, no hot water, no heating, no TV, no computer - bring on the zombies?

So I got me torch & checked all the fuses - switched off each trip switch one by one to see if any of them was shorting... Nada.

Then I had a light-bulb moment! Saw the decoder for my TV was flashing feebly in a strange sequence - switched it off - waited 15 seconds & switched it on again - BINGO :o) All was brightness - What on earth was that about?


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