A 'chewed up' bouncy ball

Yesterday I lost my multi-coloured bouncy ball.  Today Ann gave me a brand new orange bouncy ball and do you know what I did with it?  .............................I chewed loads of chunks out of it.  Ann is not very happy with me!

We went to Crantock Beach for my afternoon walk and the tide was way out so I spent ages running & chasing after my orange bouncy ball.  I ran & chased so much that I made myself really tired so I devised a very clever cunning plan so that I could have a rest........................  What I did was.............. I lay down and started chewing chunks out of my bouncy ball.  I knew it was a naughty thing to do and I don't normally chew up my bouncy balls but I needed an excuse to have a little rest.

................And do you know why I needed a little rest?  I'd spotted two little brown mongrely type dogs who were playing with an orange bouncy ball that had flashing lights inside.  So after my 'rest' I went racing off to play with them.

We had a fabulous time together.  They were very speedy little dogs and they managed to get the ball more times than I did.....................  but it's the 'taking part' that's important, not the 'winning'.

The only downside to my afternoon play was:

I had a massive poo and I was miles away from Ann so she had to walk half way across the beach to pick it up.

I've had to throw my orange bouncy ball away because I'd chewed so many chunks out of it, it no longer bounces properly.

PS - I've got loads more bouncy balls so I know that the next time we go to the beach Ann will produce another one.

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