The Way I See Things


Hall's Croft

This is Hall's Croft, one of the Shakespeare family properties in Stratford-upon-Avon. I've walked past it scores of times, but as I glanced at it today the shape of the bare wisteria against the half-timbered frontage really appealed to me. I'll try to remember to blip it again in a few months when it's in flower.

Other things that caught my eye today: this tourist, who I thought from a distance must be taking a long exposure to capture the front of Shakespeare's birthplace without the distraction of people walking through the frame - but turned out as I got closer to be setting up a selfie using tripod and wireless remote; the wonky frontages of the old Grammar School and Alms House buildings on Church Street; and this gravestone in Holy Trinity yard, leaning against a wall which is itself partly constructed of gravestones.

I'm off out this evening so I won't have much time to admire journals - but I'll try to catch up with you all tomorrow.

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