The Way I See Things


Park View Hotel

This hotel has been derelict since the 2007 floods. It was bought for £253,000 by a Birmingham company in 2010, but despite the eventual granting of planning permission for it to be redeveloped no work has been carried out, prompting local concern. As you can see it's now on the market again, at a price which would net the current owners a useful profit.

This is my contribution to this week's Derelict Thursday challenge, ably hosted by freespiral and Himself in the absence of SarumStroller. I'm sure they'll be relieved to hear that no physical risks were taken in obtaining this shot, though three visits to the Sham in as many days is starting to look dangerously like the development of a habit. Luckily if I start speaking Asum, a sharp blow to the back of the head will probably restore the factory defaults.

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