Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

A grey Heron on a grey day!!

Dris had a successful operation and is minus two balls!! He's still a bit stoned tonight but has eaten his dinner and brought me one of his toys. The vet said she had never seen such a wimp. As we arrived to pick him up we could hear him howling from outside!! Poor boy he did cry most of the way home but then climbed into one of the dog beds and crashed for an hour and has looked much better since!! So glad that part is over with. Now we have the cone of shame on standby and will probably be used at night and when we are out to make sure he doesn't have a go at his stitches.

If I thought yesterday was grey it was even more grey today. This is the only photo I took today and I took it from the pick up window. It was just so uninspiring with the greyness!! Managed to get some food shopping and a takeaway lunch from a super café that we cant pass without getting something. Got some more pet mince from the slaughterhouse too so the dogs are happy tonight. Well nearly all happy!!

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