
By Ivanbar1

Treatment Required

After lunch we went down the farm to gather pine cones; the reason being that we save them for lighting the fire in winter and even though winter is ages away they are now lovely and dry and will make great kindling. 
On our way home we spotted a young cow looking very uncomfortable and as this is the time of the year when animals suffer from Facial Eczema,  we thought we would bring her up to the yard to check her out. She was certainly showing all the symptoms. This picture shows Pete the farmer capturing her in the head-press and simultaneously spraying her nose with a homeopathic treatment to calm her down as she was very agitated. After a little while we were able to drench her with Zinc and let her into a paddock where she could find some shade as the sun can be very irritating for animals with Eczema. Peter also puts zinc in the drinking troughs at this time of the year as it is supposed to help with prevention of the disease.

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