
By maddischeib

The other day, I was laying on my bed listening to music in my room. Bert was downstairs somewhere doing whatever, probably lying with my sister. The house was quiet and then all of a sudden he sprints up the stairs and barks at me. I don’t know why he did that, but I thought it was hilarious. I burst out laughing and he just stood in my doorway giving me a look.

He ended up hopping up on my bed and lying down by my feet. When he decides he’s going to give you attention he expects your full, undivided attention. If you don’t give him attention he will lay down on you wherever he wants (on your legs, arm, face, wherever). Sometimes he lays down on my neck because he feels like that will get my attention. It usually does and I usually end up sitting up and putting him on my lap.

The one thing he hates the most is cellphones. He will do everything in his power to distract you from it and then when he accomplishes that, he’ll either lay on it or knock it out of your hands. The one time, I was listening to music and he grabbed onto my headphones and jumped off of my lap. This resulted in my phone hitting the ground (case less) smashing. There was already a big crack in the screen, but when it hit the hardwood floor and smashed.

He’s a pain in the butt sometimes, but I love him.

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