
By maddischeib

The New Dunkin Donuts

This weekend I decided to meet up with my cousin, Abby, for coffee. We haven’t really seen much of each other since she graduated so we decided to hang out and catch up on our lives.

It turns out that not much has changed. She has gotten a lot more mature since she graduated, which is a very good thing. When she first graduated I was so worried about her because of how care-free she had been living before, but she has grown up very nicely over the months. We decided to meet up every other weekend so we could stay as close as we were growing up.

I decided that we should meet up at the newly-built Dunkin Donuts about 25 minutes away from my house. I had been dying check it out, although I had heard a lot of negative things about it so I was skeptical about how things were going to be. When I got there however, all the negative opinions instantly vanished when I stepped inside.

There is a cute little fireplace in the corner directly across from the entrance door that makes everything have a nice, cozy feel to it. The one thing I noticed and really liked about the new DD shop is, it doesn’t have this weird smell of hazelnut coffee and donuts mixed together. The one I usually go to has this awful smell to it and most people don’t really mind it, but it makes my stomach turn.

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