As I was meeting a friend in Highworth today, I had hoped to find a derelict building to use today for Derelict Thursday, but despite going for some miles along a road out of this small country town, I couldn’t see anything, so have had to resort to this photograph that I took whilst in the car park.

It’s been a standing joke in our family for many years and particularly kept going by Son Number 1 who always used to say (and probably stll does!) “If it doesn’t move, Mum takes a picture of it!”

I really don’t know how he could think that about me - but today’s Blip is in honour of my two sons and Mr. HCB, bless them, and apart from which, these recycling bins are quite colourful. 

We are very keen on recycling as much as we can at home and often wonder why people have more than one large plastic bin for their rubbish - I think the problem is that we live in a “disposable” society where it is sometimes much easier to throw things away rather than mend/repair it - when was the last time you darned a sock with a hole in it?  I remember many years ago, watching my mother-in-law darning socks and being intrigued by it - b  ut I must confess, I don’t do that.

I found this fantastic song, and confess that I did sing it - to the tune of Ten Green Bottles.  Go on - singalong - it’s great fun - and if you don't know the song, listen to it here!

“A Green Song (to sing at the bottle-bank)
One green bottle,
Drop it in the bank.
Ten green bottles,
What a lot we drank.
Heaps of bottles
And yesterday's a blank.
But we'll save the planet,
Tinkle, tinkle, clank!

We've got bottles -
Nice, percussive trash.
Bags of bottles
Cleaned us out of cash.
Empty bottles,
We love to hear them smash
And we'll save the planet,
Tinkle, tinkle, crash!” 
Wendy Cope

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